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Sea Veggies



Chondrus Crispus ( Carraigín Moss Seaweed) is used worldwide as a

mousse, as a dessert and as a healthy gelling agent in savoury dishes.  

It is also use to treat 'cold' and flu symptoms.  It contains vitamins

A, B1, B12, C and K, Iodine, Calcium, Copper, Phosphorus, Sodium

 and Potassium Chloride, therefore, it is nutritionally beneficial as 

a supplement for the health conscious and vegetarians.  

This edible seaweed has been handpicked using a sustainable method 

and dried in the traditional manner The seaweed we supply has been

collected by hand in the traditional manner from the foreshore on

Inis Oírr.


As we source our Carraigín from the sparkling clean sea waters

on the foreshore of Inis Oírr in the Aran Islands, where the Atlantic

waves ensure only the best Carraigín reaches maturity, we are

 confidently offering you the best.  




 Sea Spaghetti (Ruánach, Himanthalia Elongata)

contains protein, fat, carbs, Vit C, calcium, iodine, iron,

magnesium, manganese and sodium.  This all natural sea

vegetable is very versatile and can be added to rice,

pasta dishes, casseroles  and omelettes, just a small amount.

It can be used raw, boiled, steamed or deep fried. If using

raw, first cover with cold water and refrigerate for between

8 and 24hours.  Our Himanthalia Elongata is sourced locally

on the island, and packed in resealable bags to ensure freshness,

and for customer convenience.  



Duileasc/Dulse /Dillisk (Palmaria Palmata) comes in

two different forms. The larger variety is called Duileasc

or Dillisk, and the smaller variety is called Creathnach

or Shell Dulse.  The two are similar except that the latter

grows on small mussels rather than  on rock or on the 

steps of Laminaria Hyperborea plants, hence the smaller size.  

Duileasc is rich in protein, fat, carbs, Vits A, B1, B2,

B3, B6, B12, C, E, beta-carotene, calcium, iodine, iron,

magnesium, manganese, sodium and zinc, packed with

goodness!  Palmaria Palmata is often added as an ingredient

to bread, salsa, chowder, soups and salads.  It can also

be eaten raw and is often served as a bar snack.  Our

Inis Oírr Duileasc is available in resealable bags, and is ready to eat. 



Nori (Sleabhcán, Porphyra) contains protein, fat, carbs,

Vits B1, B2, B3, B6, B12, C, E, beta-carotene, calcium,

iodine, iron, magnesium, manganese, sodium and zinc.  

Sleabhcán has some of the highest levels of protein

the lowest iodine of any seaweed, making it one of the

best seaweed for protein intake.   It can be steamed,

boiled, and used as a vegetable. It is also used in biscuit 

and bread making (laver bread especially). It is harvested

from the rocky shore of Inis Oírr, and is found to be small,

sweet and of high quality. 


This Sleabhcán has been continuously bathed by pure, clean,

mighty  Atlantic waves and packed by us for your enjoyment.



To order any of our seaweed products contact us at or 099-75979








Páirtmhaoinithe ag/Partfunded by:

Copyright/Cóipcheart © 2020. CLEAS ctr

Company Registration Number/ Cláruimhir na Cuideachta 437865.

Registered Address/Seoladh Cláraithe: CLEAS, INIS OÍRR, OILEAÍN ÁRANN, Co. na Gaillimhe                                      

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